Weekly Card Reading 1/7/2024

It’s time for our weekly Oracle card reading.

This week, our guiding card is Earth.

Earth represents the gift of life. The element of this card refers to the body of planet Earth, the human body, and Nature herself. We’re reminded by this element that all creatures are born of the Earth and human beings are the stewards of all life on this planet. It refers to our health, wealth, security, grounding, solidity, and stability. It reminds us that the world of form is a gift from Spirit and needs to be treated with respect.

When the Earth card appears, it represents a need to focus on reverence and appreciation for the natural gifts that come to us from planet Earth. The world of form that you inhabit is there by the grace of Spirit, and you are a part of it. When you focus on compassionate service to the world, and act with integrity, gratitude and reverence, you can accomplish anything. Prosperity and success will follow you in more ways than you can imagine.