Weekly Card Reading 2/18/2024

It’s time for our weekly Oracle card reading.

This week, our guiding card is The Wild Woman.

When the Wild Woman dances into your reading, she reminds you of the essence of authenticity and freedom. Free of all social constraints and cultural conformity, the Wild Woman holds up a mirror to your essential self, the true essence of who you are and who you’re meant to become. She is a reminder of the bright light within each of us that gets dimmed by the expectations of family, friends and work. She reminds us that in order to be fully present to life, we must uncover that light and let it shine brightly, regardless of our fears.

When the Wild Woman card shows up, this is your time to let your light shine brightly and to know that your true self is being called to engage the world. This is a symbol that your long-held dream is beginning to take root and wants to be expressed. Your authentic self shouldn’t be forced to fit in a box of other’s expectations.  It’s time to have courage and step into the light. Shine brightly, dance with abandon, be yourself, and let Spirit decide what happens. You’ll be happy you did.