Weekly Card Reading 3/10/2024

It’s time for our weekly Oracle card reading.

This week, our guiding card is Standstill.

Standstill is a symbol of taking a step back, of pausing, the act of observation, and breathing space. It represents the benefits of temporary stillness as well as what happens when one is stuck.

The Standstill card appears when things seem to stall or stagnate, or when you feel stuck. This symbol is a reminder that constant action isn’t going to get you where you want to go. Perhaps it’s time to gather more information or just wait until the universe makes the next move. No matter what, this moment is a beautiful gift orchestrated in your favor. Enjoy it. Let the universe bring all the parts together for the highest good. Go and play, recharge, and take the focus off whatever has stalled. Life will get busy again for you sooner than you think.